The Enugu Data Analytics Training Program
In partnership with Data Science Nigeria (DSN) and Capitis Global Ventures Ltd, Enugu SME is proud to introduce the Enugu SME Hardware Garage Training (EDAT)program.

Upgrade with theEDAT Program
The Enugu State Government through the Enugu SME Center is focused on maximizing human capital development through provision of credit, “delivering training to increase people’s skills enabling them to find jobs; creating jobs to improve incomes.” Hence, the launch of the Data Analytics Training Program (EDAT), powered by the Enugu SME Center in partnership with the Data Science Nigeria (DSN) and Capitis Global Ventures Limited.
Through the localization of technologies, we wish to create a new generation
of trained personnel to revive problem solving in Enugu using data as a tool. Training sessions will be comprised of both activities and lectures that will cover Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power BI & SQL.

Enroll today!
EDAT is intended to go on for Three (3) Months after which only outstanding beneficiaries will be placed on internships.
Through this, skills are learnt, jobs are created, the economy is boosted and the state gains more traction.
Enugu SME Data Analytics Training (EDAT) program is a partnership collaboration between DATA SCIENCE NIGERIA, CAPITIS VENTURES LTD, ENUGU STATE GOVERNMENT, & ENUGU SME CENTER.

The Enugu Data Analytics Training (EDAT) Project will ensure that core Data
Analytics competencies are delivered to the participants, through an experiential and
project based learning approach, and provide a solid post-training path to engaging the participants become fast – rising Data Talents for both local and global organizations.
The training approach s structured around the following:
▪ World class and experienced Instructors;
▪ Project based learning;
▪ Interactive session;
▪ Hands-on training;
▪ Industry use cases and on-the-job scenario application;
▪ Weekly assignment and tracking progress;
▪ Hybrid Learning Delivery;
▪ Completion Capstone Project’
▪ Online discussion platform for further coaching and access to cutting edge
knowledge, information and opportunities in the AI/Data Science ecosystem;
▪ Internationally Recognized Certificate
The Program is structured under the Human Capital Development Programs of the Agency. The Program is offered in partnership with Data Science Nigeria (“DSN”) and Capitis Global Ventures Limited (“Capitis Global”).
The cost of the training program has been highly subsidized from N150,000 (One
Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira Only) to N30,000 (Thirty Thousand Naira Only) which is a 80% reduction.
If needed, the Enugu SME Center would be providing a Human Capital Development Loans of N30,000 (Thirty Thousand Naira Only) to the successful participants
participate in the program as ZERO Interest.
The training will run for three (3) months on the weekends
The HCDL will be due three (3) months after the training. In conclusion the N30,000 would be repaid in six (6) months from commencement of the training
This amounts to only N5,000 (Five Thousand Naira Only) which amount N1,250 (One Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira Only) a week. Price of two (2)
bottles of beer or one (1) Sharwarma.
Both training program are modular programs that can take anyone from a novice
capacity to a professional capacity. Remember the content WILL ALWAYS be with you for continuous learning.
This might be a problem because the program would be a Hybrid class (combination of in-class and virtual).
Yes. Your participation (in-class or virtual as may be required) would be monitored by DSN and Capitis Global, any complaints from them would lead to you defaulting on the loan and the Agency calling on the collateral (cheque)
The training would be a combination of in-class training and remote training. The Primary In-class training location would be communicated to applicants upon finalization of the documentation process.
Other locations with Free Internet would be provided for at a designated location(s) within Enugu State
The successful applicants would be mandated to bring the following:
▪ One (1) Nationally Recognized Identification of the Applicant and
Three(3) passport photograph
▪ Guarantor with the following:
○ Nationally Recognized Identification of the Applicant and two(2)
passport photographs
○ Undated Cheque from CBN recognized Commercial Bank (kindly
note old cheques wouldn’t be accepted)
Yes! You can pay the subsidized N30,000 (Thirty Thousand Naira Only) upfront.
Simply make your payment into the under listed Account:
Account Number: 5030120451
Account Name: Enugu SME Human Capital Development Loan Account
Bank: Fidelity Bank
When making the payment, make sure you write your name and the program in the
comment session (E.g, Uche Emeka- EDAT)
Send your proof of payment to
To confirm or assist with payment or need assistance with “SELF GUARANTEEING”
kindly contact our call center on 08089344768; 08084998224; 09042439495;
09013484336; 07018098225
YES. The Program is flexible enough for everyone
If you have successfully passed the rigorous selection phase and chosen for the first
cohort and you drop out of the program, it would have been determined you have DEFAULTED on the Enugu Data Analytics Training Program and the default terms
would kick in as detailed in the Offer Letter
Successful applicants will be on-boarded in a WhatsApp Platform and Commencement for Documentation signing will be communicated.
Kindly notify the Enugu SME Center 24-hrs before coming to the Agency (with guarantor if using guarantor) to ensure your documents are prepared ahead of time.
Enugu SME Center- No. 2a, Market Garden Avenue, Opposite Ebeano Tunnel
Roundabout, GRA, Enugu
Yes, having a LAPTOP IS MANDATORY to participate in the Program
To stand the chance to be selected for the grant to participate in the Enugu Data
Analytics Training Program for FREE, you MUST be following GEAP on
@growenugu on either Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. You MUST also get ten (10)
of your friends in Enugu to also follow @growenugu on either Facebook, Instagram
or Twitter.
Kindly follow us on @enugusmeagency on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Tel: 08089344768; 08084998224; 09042439495; 09013484336; 07018098225
Enugu State SME Agency on Facebook