The 8th of March 2021 was the International women’s day, a day set to create awareness to people around the world for our collective effort to curb and combat gender bias and discrimination in all spheres of life while also promoting gender equality.
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NASD understands the value women bring in every position they find themselves and we understand that there are studies which show a proven track record in companies that adopt healthy diversity.
In that same breadth, we at NASD decided to show appreciation not just to the women performing excellently amongst us but also to women all over the world, shattering glass, ceilings and breaking barriers set to slow or stop them.
We reached out to women in various fields to share their stories on how they have consistently stood tall, broken records and achieved great feats in their careers. These women are:
1. Elizabeth Ebi, CEO FutureView group.
2. Peju Adebajo, CEO Lumos Nigeria.
3. Afolake Lawal, Founder and Managing Partner, Imperial Law Office.
4. Monica Rovers, CEO Connect Corporation.
5. Oby Ogbuma, Managing Director and Chief Risk Officer, Chapel Hill Denham.
6. Toki Mabogunje, President, Lagos Chamber of Commerce, and Industry.
7. Vivien Shobo, CEO, FVS Advisory Partners.
It was an interesting conversation we had with each of them and as much as we would encourage you to check our LinkedIn page to watch each video, we would also like to share a few things we learnt from them.
A key point which was stressed for women to stand out in their various field, is to believe in herself first, when that is done, she should also make conscious effort to update her knowledge in her profession and that alone will bring immense confidence when working or engaging with anyone.
Furthermore, the importance of speaking out and letting people know what she can do, while also networking but having a thick skin to handle any situation was also stressed upon.
One thing which we particularly love was the statement made to always seek out new challenges and seize every opportunity, rejecting, and challenging any stats quo that prevents her to grow and to keep pushing when she hits a brick wall.
Additionally, we noticed a common trend they all spoke about which was how important it is to treat people with respect because we all are in different phases and seasons of our life, hence, we should not be envious, look/talk down on anyone.
In conclusion, the importance of having a great support system in form of family, friends or spouse was also noted among the speakers.
We urge you to not just feel celebrating women as a seasonal event. They are the backbone of the world and deserve every respect, love, and support they can get. We thank you as you continue to celebrate every woman you come across as they are beautiful, strong, powerful, talented, resilient and an essential contributor in the development of the world.
Year-to-Date Overview
NASD OTC Securities Exchange Market closed on a negative note YTD as the market recorded a decrease in performance. NASD Security Index Year to date returns decreased by 5.51%. Total volume traded Year-to-Date stands at 35,031,112 units in 300 deals and total Value traded is N711,788,206.00.

NASD OTC Market CAP Increased By 0.50% WoW to Close at N502.82bn
Week 10 Overview
NASD OTC Securities Exchange closed the week with a positive return on NSI. The NSI returned by 0.50% to close the week at 700.8 points against 697.3 points on Friday, March 05, 2021.
In addition, Week 10 saw NASD Investors gain N2.50 Billion in value. NASD OTC Market capitalization closed at N502.82 Billion compared to N500.32 Billion on Friday, March 05, 2021, resulting from a Positive movement of prices.
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